


ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "焼きそばが大きすぎて卵が足りない(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "雑穀米でおかゆを作りました。味付けは鶏ガラスープ(粉末)とごま油、そしてマヨネーズ。イメージはTKGです。病人食のイメージじゃないですよ(・∀・) " Thanks, The I…

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "本日も横浜なう(・∀・) " (taken at ホテルモントレ横浜 (Hotel Monterey Yokohama)) Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "サンマとハンバーグ(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "赤い靴の像 (・∀・) " (taken at ホテルモントレ横浜 (Hotel Monterey Yokohama)) Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "横浜なう(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "ハンバーグmgmg " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "横浜なう(・∀・) " (taken at 山下公園通り) Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "作った(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "ハンバーグ、ポトフの残り(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "ポトフ、サバ塩、トリハム(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "鮭とから揚げ(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "久しぶりに作った(・∀・)鮭とヒレカツ " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "綱島のパナソニック跡地は雪原(・∀・) " (taken at 東急バス 松下通信脇) Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "ターキー焼いた(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "横浜です(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "ゆーきやこんこん(・∀・)さらに積もった " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "ゆーきやこんこん(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "ラーメンつくった(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "キャバクラ幕府(・∀・) " (taken at 鎌倉海浜公園 (由比ガ浜地区)) Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "カツ丼弁当作った(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "ハンバーグ、チキンカツ。ご飯の中には海苔と塩昆布を埋め込んだ。 " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "餃子なう(・∀・)" Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "鮭弁当(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "鮭弁当(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "蒲焼きはサンマです。 (・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "15分で作った(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "王将が休みだった。日高屋なう(・∀・) " (taken at 日高屋 綱島西口店) Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "きれいだった(・∀・) " (taken at 東急バス 箕輪町舟下) Thanks, The Instagram Team

ともぞう じいさん shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, ともぞう じいさん just shared an Instagram photo with you:view full image "鮭とかまぼこで正月っぽいはず(・∀・) " Thanks, The Instagram Team